Resist injuries Oakridge Physiotherapy Vancouver

Post-Operative Therapy

Post-operative therapy encompasses a wide range of interventions depending on the type and severity of the injury sustained.

Early movement of the affected body part is essential to reduce oedema (excess of watery fluid collecting in the cavities or tissues of the body) and prevent stiffness or atrophy from lack of use.

It is important for patients to get back to their regular activities as soon as they can to regain their sense of independence as well as regaining function and strength. Active exercise typically begins 6-8 weeks following surgery.

If you have sustained a fracture that required surgery, call us to find out how we can help with your rehabilitation.

Speed up your recovery journey with our Post-Operative Therapy at Oakridge Physiotherapy. Our expert team in Vancouver provides personalized care to ensure optimal post-surgery healing. Start your path to recovery now. Find out more about our post-operative services or call 604-321-3251 for an appointment.