The Who
Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles through the skin and tissue over various areas on the body. Traditional Chinese Medicine has used acupuncture as a form of treatment for various conditions based on empirical evidence over centuries of observation. In “classical acupuncture”, the premise is bodily functions are regulated through an energy called Qi which flows through the body. The disruption of Qi is responsible for imbalances in the body and acupuncture is used to restore the balance of energy and promoting health.
In physiotherapy, we apply acupuncture in a modern approach known as “anatomical acupuncture”. We combine the knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology to reason how acupuncture is used as a treatment. Generally we use acupuncture to control pain, resolve inflammation, provide regeneration, restore physical function and normalize nervous system function.
The Problem
Whether you’ve had an acute or chronic injury acupuncture can be beneficial. With acute injuries, acupuncture can help manage pain, decrease inflammation, promote healing and improve mobility. With chronic/repetitive overuse injuries, acupuncture can help normalize the nervous system function.
The following are common conditions we treat in physiotherapy listed on the World Health Organization, Acupuncture: review and analysis of controlled clinical trials.
- Facial pain
- Headache
- Knee pain
- Low back pain
- Neck pain
- Postoperative pain
- Sciatica
- Shoulder pain
- Sprains
- Strains
- Tennis elbow
The following link provides information in regards to the role of acupuncture for athletes: – more-419
The following link is an article about the use of acupuncture by NFL players:
For further information for treatment of digestive, respiratory, neurological, menstrual and reproductive disorders please contact our Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner Fiona Lampman.
The Solution
Acupuncture can be done at anytime. The adverse effects and risks associated with acupuncture are minimal. Acupuncture needles are very thin and generally there is minimal discomfort as the needle is inserted. The amount of treatment needed is dependent on the type of injury (acute, chronic/repetitive overuse).
For further information click on the following link: